
Our full name is “The Southern Cruisers Auto And Truck Club Of Statesboro, Georgia, Inc.” We were organized in 1990. We went on line March 13, 2004. Our 501(c)(3) tax exempt status was effective April 2010.

Our organization sponsors the Southern Cruisers Car and Truck Show every year in the Spring. This is our major fund raiser. Donations are tax-exempt. All proceeds are donated to a local charity selected by club members.

We typically have three club activities each month:

  • A business Meeting on the first Saturday of each month.
  • A mid-month cruise-in on the third Saturday of every month at the Statesboro Mall.
  • A “Final Friday” cruise-in each month at a local restaurant.

We solicit donations at the cruise-in’s to be used to support our charities. These donations are also tax-exempt.

Membership in the club is open to all persons of good character and reputation who have a genuine interest in the purposes of the club. Ownership of a classic or antique motor vehicle is not a requirement.

Some members may not consider themselves “car crazy.”  Sure, we have hot rods, classics, muscle cars, antiques, collectibles, and street rods, but having a “cool ride” is only part of the fun.

Keeping company with people having a passion for charity plus a love for cars only doubles the enjoyment of membership.  Come join us at one of our car shows or cruise-ins to experience it first-hand.

We are happy to have you visit our Web Site!